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January 18, 2004

Groovy Girl

After coming over on several occasions and hearing the same CDs playing in my living room, a friend of mine suggested that I add some variety to my life and tune into some radio stations over the Internet. Well, I have to say that now I'm completely hooked on a couple of stations listed on Shoutcast.com. Radio Paradise describes itself as playing "eclectic intelligent rock."

Radio Paradise is Old Fashioned Radio for the 21st Century
Each hour of music is carefully blended together to flow smoothly between different musical styles & genres - just like real DJs used to do on FM. We don't use the computer-generated playlists or "carefully researched music libraries" that have sucked the soul out of FM radio - and we never just throw songs together at random the way many web stations do.

Then there is Groove Salad: "a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves."

Ella loves these two stations as well, as indicated by the enthusiastic head-bopping that she does whenever she hears music with a good beat. The best part is that you are constantly being introduced to new songs, and if you hear one that you like, you can look it up on the station's playlist. Or you can do what I do--keep the mini-playlist window open so that you can quickly (and perhaps obsessively!) look up information and read comments about the song that is playing. Yup, I'm hooked.

Posted by tomi at 06:15 PM in All Work and No Play..., The Sound of Music | Permalink


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