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February 07, 2004
La La La!
Tonight Tomi and her choir pals, the Pacific Spirit Singers, gathered together to sing some tunes of passion and mystery. To date I have only witnessed the "Japan people" a-la-karaoke so it was a pleasure to hear them together in this setting. A job well done by all!
They had a great turn out but no one cheered more than little Miss Ella. Imagine if you will, this little girl sitting proudly on her father's lap, straining left and right of Uncle Dave's back, trying to spy her mom up on stage. Then, just when you think she can't get any cuter, you hear a tiny little, not so quiet "hi!" from the back of the room that echoed well above the singers.
Luckily Oliver was not in attendance or the choir would have had double the competition!
Posted by penny at 11:28 PM in The Sound of Music | Permalink
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Glad you were there--your lap sure came in handy, too.
Posted by: go-Daddy-O | Feb 8, 2004 8:44:59 AM
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