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February 17, 2004

A Brownie for Your Thoughts?

So some of you may be wondering how I've fared going back to work after a year long leave. Let's just say that I have mixed feelings. I really appreciate the fact that my co-workers have been so welcoming. My team lead brought in mini two-bite cheescakes (coincidentally, I brought in one-bite brownies) and sent out a nice email hailing my return. Over the next few hours, people from all different floors stopped by my desk, some because they read the words "cheescake" and "brownies," and others because they hadn't seen me around for such a long time.

Inevitably, the first questions these people asked were "How is your baby," "How was your leave," and "How does it feel coming back." My answers:

-The baby is wonderful. She's just starting to walk, and she has a particular fascination with stairs.
-My leave was fantastic. I spent time with my family, I made some very special, lifelong friends, and I went traveling.
-I feel...well, ummmm...I really miss my child. She's just starting daycare. These are really chocolately brownies, aren't they...

Apparently, nobody started a pool, but rumours were flying about whether or not I was actually coming back to work. In fact, despite missing Ella and wishing that I could spend every day with her, part of me is glad to be back. The people I work with are great and they are genuinely happy to see me. The work is challenging. The money will pay for the new appliances. And at the very least, I can spend this time figuring out what it is that I really want to do.

Posted by tomi at 11:52 PM in All Work and No Play... | Permalink


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