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April 18, 2004

Another Great Toy


As one would expect, the older Oliver gets, the more stuff he seems to accumulate. At the rate he's going, he better learn young to part with things he doesn't use or he'll be worse than his pack-rat parents. Having said that, he has had the good fortune to receive a number of great toys. And once again, Little Tikes gets my vote. This 3-in-1 sports set got his attention from the point of assembly. He found out very quickly that the "basketballs" are not the only things that fit in the basket. Soother...Mega Blocks...socks...milk bottle, you bet!

I love the innocence that allows him the freedom to try just about anything...over and over again.

(no, this is not Oliver...photo with child, courtesy of Little Tikes)

Posted by penny at 10:06 PM in Products We Love | Permalink


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his parents are pack rats ????

Posted by: | Apr 19, 2004 7:51:12 PM

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