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July 28, 2004

A Call for Help

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Jade Walker, a writer/poet/editor whose Blog of Death pays tribute to those who have passed through this life. Wander through the site...it's a fascinating read.

Currently, Jade is gathering life stories for a soon-to-be-published How To book, and is looking for parents who will share their experiences with her.

SEEKING: Advice on Having a Baby

Sure, having a baby can be the best thing that's ever happened to you. It can also be the most challenging experience of your life. I'm looking for moms and dads willing to share their experiences and parenting advice for the upcoming book, "How to Survive Your Baby by Hundreds of Happy Moms and Dads Who Did."

Interested? Just e-mail [email protected] with the subject heading "Interview Request - Baby."

Posted by tomi at 12:25 PM in Weblogs We Love | Permalink


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Thanks for the link, the lovely compliments and the help!

Posted by: Jade Walker | Jul 28, 2004 2:53:04 PM

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