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November 22, 2004

Warm Fuzzies

Just wanted to send out a big, warm "Thank you" to Rachel at Milkbreath and Me and Jenny at Three Kid Circus for supporting our new business.

Some milestones to remember from these last couple of weeks:

-our first cross-border web sale (and our first experience dealing with NAFTA policies)

-our first wholesale order (actually our first two orders), placed by local retail stores Luna Winters on W. Broadway, and Little Blessings on Cambie.

-our first car theft (let us know if you see anyone trying to sell Milk Factory product out of the back of a van)

We're taking both the good and the bad in stride. And let me tell you, it's tiring!

Posted by tomi at 02:01 PM in A Day at the Milk Factory_ | Permalink


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