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January 01, 2005

Welcome to the Family

We have a new addition to the family: baby Hana, who is 1.5 lbs, and a real fighter, just like her mom, Gabi. Here is our first digital picture of Hana--3 days old and 3 months premature.


After struggling with a terrifying and painful recurrence of breast cancer, her mom is no longer with us, which means that Hana (and her dad, Bob) will be needing extra love and care.

Go-Daddy-O is planning to visit Hana in the hospital every day for the next three months. Visitors are free to drop by at any hour, except at 7am and 7pm, which is when the nursing staff changes shifts.

I didn't realize that visitors were allowed to put their bare hands in the incubator and touch the baby. It was an incredible experience...tiny hands that can already grasp your finger, tiny feet. Tiny Pampers! 

So there it is. Our very own miracle baby. Along with the terrible heartache and the many stages of grieving will come the joy of watching this tiny baby grow.   

Posted by tomi at 10:30 PM in All About Hana | Permalink


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Found your photos of Hana while googling Gabi and weeping.

Much joy and many many tears.

Posted by: Julia | Jan 3, 2005 4:09:36 PM

I think it's great what you are doing, best of luck to you guys, my thoughts are with you.

Posted by: kev | Jan 3, 2005 5:35:21 PM

Welcome Hana! You've got some of the most loving people at your side! Our thoughts are with you...

Posted by: penny | Jan 3, 2005 8:23:00 PM

What a beautiful baby Hana is she is very lucky to have so many people to care for her. You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time, may Baby Hana bring joy to all of your lives.

Posted by: Alisha | Jan 4, 2005 5:59:18 AM

Hi, my name is Liz and I'm a recovering lurkaholic and dork.

I love your blog!

Come visit my January 5th post and be a part of De-Lurking Day.

Posted by: Lizt | Jan 5, 2005 8:30:37 AM

Oh, my heart goes out to Hana and those who love her. Poor baby.

Posted by: Deirdre | Jan 5, 2005 12:45:35 PM

welcome to the world little hana. i'm sorry your entry has to be so rough.

Posted by: no name yet | Jan 6, 2005 7:31:54 AM

I don't know Gabi, but I happened upon Gabi's obit a couple of days ago in the newspaper. I was incredibly touched by the spirit and strength she displayed during her life. Much love to little Hana, and blessings to you for the love you are showing to her.

Posted by: Marcelle | Jan 12, 2005 8:29:55 AM

In searching "baby Hana" I came upon your blog. Our daughter's name is Hana (hence the search) and Ella looks like she could be (OUR) Hana's sister by their appearance! - which is another strange coinidence.

I was very moved by your story - thank you for sharing.

Posted by: Jessica Welch | Jun 15, 2005 8:40:31 PM

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