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September 28, 2005

5 Orange Circles

It is an absolute chore to get Oliver to eat vegetables so I was very excited to hear Oliver talk endlessly about eating "lello corn" at daycare today.  Of course, we don't have corn in our house so I saw the opportunity to introduce the idea of other colored food...like orange circles (carrots) and green balls (peas).  Well!  According to O, that sounded like an awesome dinner!  Ha!

Me:  Oliver, dinner is ready!

O: Really?  Ok!  What you got for me, Mommy?

Me: Orange circles, green balls and pasta!

O: Oh!  Ok!

Oliver hops into his chair and spies the carrots and peas.  A quick push and the plate was across the table.

O: (arms crossed, full pout, sounding crushed) I don't like orange circles and green balls!

Me: But you haven't tried them yet.  Please eat ONE circle and ONE ball.

O: I can't!

Me: Why not?

O: Because it hurts me...I have a tummy ache...It's trouble...It's no good... (the excuses went on and on).

He managed to "try" ONE pea, spitting it out after one chomp.  And, after much coaching, he ate five carrot circles...mostly to the words "Daddy will be so proud of you!"  After the second circle, I asked how it tasted and got a "Good", after three circles, I got a "Yucky" and after the forth, an "I don't like Daddy!"  To get the fifth circle I held up four fingers and said "Eat one more and you can show Daddy you ate FIVE circles!"  O was beaming when Daddy called before bedtime - he held up all 5 fingers on one hand so Daddy could see through the phone that he ate five circles!

Posted by penny at 10:36 PM in All About Oliver | Permalink


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WAY TO GO OLLIE !!! I am SOOOOO pround of you !!!

Posted by: aunt tricia :o) | Sep 30, 2005 11:26:51 AM

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