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September 07, 2005
The Skunks Are Coming!
Tomi has been scolding me for not blogging, and I couldn't resist this short Ella story.
I'm sure this is partly because I'm a man, and therefore fascinated by bodily functions, but I've been wondering at what point young kids develop a sense of smell. Until recently, Ella has been really focused on touch and taste and sound.
As far as smell goes, I was really starting to wonder when she'd notice someone had passed gas. I would let one go and she'd laugh at the sound, noting that I'd tooted, but she'd never comment on the smell (even when it was worthy of comment). It just seemed to be something she wasn't detecting.
Anyway, this all changed out of the blue a couple of weeks ago while we were staying with her Auntie Em and Uncle Puff in Victoria. She was sleeping in our bed for the trip and the two of us took a nap together on the Saturday afternoon. We were all snuggled up face-to-face and drifting off to sleep when a very silent, but very rank bit of gas escaped me.
When the stank drifted up from under the covers she suddenly opened her eyes wide and--with a tone of some concern in her voice--declared: "Oh Daddy, I think the skunks are coming!"
Ah yes, another developmental hurdle cleared.
Posted by go-Daddy-O at 12:25 AM | Permalink
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Ah-hah! So it was really go-Daddy-O that had everything to do with adding "The Gas We Pass - The Story of Farts" by Shinta Cho to Oliver's library collection!
Posted by: penny | Sep 9, 2005 10:53:24 AM
At least you know her olfactory senses are working!
Posted by: Regina | Sep 28, 2005 7:08:58 PM
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